Effective means of preventing home remedy
Urolithiasis, commonly known as home remedy develop in a person's body when there is a collection of materials—such as minerals—to a small stone. These stones are commonly found in the kidney, but there are also those that stay in the ureter or in the bladder. Also called "nephrolithiasis," by physicians, home remedy can cause a great deal of pain to an individual when it blocks the urine flow. When this is not diagnosed and given proper treatment as soon as possible, it can lead to a several kidney problems that can last for a long time.
Indeed, one of the most effectiveness means of treating home remedy is through prevention. Unlike severe diseases and illnesses, home remedy can easily be prevented if the person will set his or her mind into healthy lifestyle.
Studies show that among the primary causes of home remedy—aside from clinical history, hereditary factor, and medical condition of a person—is unhealthy. This is by living a sedentary life with no regular physical exercise or routine and by eating foods that are not friendly to the kidney.
In order to prevent home remedy, here are some of the things that people can do once they set their minds into it:
1. Taking in lots of fluid, specifically water. Experts agree that the best way to prevent home remedy is by flushing it out from the system. And what's the best way to do it? By drinking a large amount of liquids, especially water which is free from major impurities. Taking in lots of water everyday—at least 8 glasses or more—will flush out waste products in the body and can help dilute the minerals or other stone-forming materials such as salts present in the person's urine. For those who are already suffering from home remedy or those that are prone to it, experts say that they should avoid drinking liquids with other components such as sodas and other juices to avoid the fast formation of home remedy.
2. Certain modifications in diet. Undeniably, diet plays a huge role in maintaining good health. Keeping the body free from home remedy will greatly depend on how balanced the diet of that person would be. Majority of kidney stone-sufferers today share the same type of stone—the calcium oxalate stone. As the name suggests, this type of stone can only be developed with too many calcium intakes. Experts say that for people to veer away from home remedy, they should cut down on foods that are high in calcium and oxalate such as dairy products including leafy vegetables, soda-colas, cranberries, chocolates, and peanuts. These foods—if cannot be totally slashed out from the diet—should be consumed in moderation because these would only make the formation of home remedy faster. To avoid another type of stone—the uric acid stone—people should cut down on foods that have high animal protein content such as poultry and red wine because these have high purines content. To avoid developing stones made of salts, people should also avoid meals that have high sodium content. People should focus on eating foods that are high in fiber and should also increase their citric acid or vitamin C intake. By doing this, you can your home remedy would be dissolved in no time due to the citric properties of citrus.
3. Taking in proper medication. In severe cases of home remedy, proper medication would help such as thiazide, sodium cellulose phosphate, oral calcium supplement, allopurinol, polycitra K, thiol, D-penicil-lamine, Acetohy-droxamic acid or AHA, and toradol to help relieve kidney pain and reduce the amount of stone-forming materials in the body.
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